Ontario Provincial Polling - March 2022 - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Ontario Provincial Polling - March 2022

Ontario Flag




Current levels of support for gravel mining in Ontario is low, just 13% strongly support it with another 13% somewhat supportive. Opposition to gravel mining is also low with just 10% strongly opposing with another 9% somewhat opposed. Ontarians do not have strong feelings toward the gravel mining industry. Awareness of the impacts is also low, with no impact being known by a majority. Awareness of the impacts to first nations is by far the lowest at just over 30%.

While this survey reveals that this industry and issues do not elicit strong opinions, the survey also reveals that more people would be open to a temporary moratorium and review (37%) than oppose it (11%). When respondents are informed that the Ontario government currently allows companies to mine 13x more gravel than the market requires, support for a moratorium increases dramatically, more than two thirds (67%) of respondents indicate they would be more likely to support a moratorium as a result, including a majority (52%) saying they are much more likely.