Mainstreet Research | Public Polling, Research and Data Strategy
Mainstreet Research

Empower the data.

We represent the people and their voices. You can trust Mainstreet Research to give you accurate and unbiased data.

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Impactful Data Made Accessible, Simple and Live

The Voice of the People

Welcome to Mainstreet Research, where Canadian voters, customers and stakeholders speak, and smart business and public policy makers listen. You know your audience, and Mainstreet can help you gain insights into how they’re thinking today, and how they’ll behave tomorrow.

With a track record of “getting it right” and the courage to tell it like it is, Mainstreet Research is the one you trust when missing the mark is not an option.

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Accurate Polls
Reflective Insights


Endless Possibilities

Harness the potential of data to deliver the insights that are critical to any business, political or public policy decision.

Market Research

With 30 years of experience tapping into the wants, needs, and concerns that drive consumer behaviour, Mainstreet can help you develop and implement a plan to guide your promotions, product launches, pricing and brand positioning.

Data Analytics

There’s a good chance that your audience or customers are already telling you what you need to know. Let Mainstreet turn your own data into insights that you can use to determine your strategic direction or guide your next campaign.

Strategic Advice

At Mainstreet, we make it our business to help you know people, understand trends, and anticipate the likelihood of outcomes. It’s what we do every day. Sharpen your understanding of your audience and guide your next successful chapter.

Public Opinion Research

Mainstreet knows how to ask the right questions and how to interpret the answers. Talk to us about your upcoming public opinion project. We can sharpen your focus so you get the full breadth not only of how your audience thinks, but also how they’re likely to act.


Best-in-Class Storytelling

Thoughts and reflection on various topics from politics to social polling!


Custom Research Solutions

The data speaks for itself. Precision and accuracy.